I am currently on administrative leave from SAMHSA, after joining the Agency in November 2024 and being illegally let go in February 2025. As a result, I am currently seeking employment!
I received my PhD in Government from Cornell University, where I majored in International Relations and minored in Comparative Politics. During my time at Cornell, I was also a Graduate Fellow at the Gender and the Security Sector Lab, PI Dr. Sabrina Karim.
My research is broadly in the areas of international relations and comparative politics. More specifically, my work is on UN peacekeeping/peacebuilding and foreign security assistance. My dissertation project, “Autocrats Keeping Peace? An Analysis of the Impact of Autocratic T/PCCs on UN Peace Operations,” explores the impact of the participation of peacekeepers from autocracies on UN peacekeeping.
I earned an MS in Global Affairs from NYU’s Center For Global Affairs and a BA in Global Studies from Providence College. I am also a former Civil War Paths Fellow at the Centre for the Comparative Study of Civil War, USIP-Minerva Peace Scholar, and RAND Summer Associate.